Be My Guest is an interactive, metatheatrical, comedy show where Monia, the author, the only performer on stage, plays six characters. The worlds of clown, bouffon, tragedy, improvisation, cabaret and physical comedy are combined magically in the space of an hour. Through a witty vivisection of her persona Monia has made a brave and revolutionary piece of theater that shows and explores ways to empower human fragility. Themes are hot and urgent: poverty, failure, isolation, dreams and taboo. Language is bold and satirical. Audience is constantly, through the lightness of the game, driven to be part of this passionate journey.

When: Thursday 19.30 o’clock, Saturday 20.00 o’clock

Duration: 60 min

With and from: Monia Baldini

Age recomandation: 14+

Sprache: English



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